Merit Council

Each year the local reading councils in our state have the opportunity to participate in Iowa Reading Association’s Merit Council Award program. In order to be considered for the award, a council must complete 6 required items and at least 10 optional items within 4 categories:

  • Membership
  • Program
  • Support of the Iowa Reading Association
  • Support of the International Reading Association

Councils must be in good standing, which means that local council officers are members of both the Iowa Reading Association and the International Reading Association.

All materials submitted need to be marked with the category and item number, then placed in a folder or notebook and sent to Heidi Stangl or Wendy Matson on or before May 1, 2025. These may be submitted as a paper copy or filed electronically. Councils receiving Merit Council status will receive a stipend.

Merit Council co-chairs Wendy Matson and Heidi Stangl presented the Merit Council Award to Midlands of Iowa Reading Council, Hardy Reading Council, and Eastern Iowa Reading Council.

Congratulations for Achieving Merit Council Status in 2023-2024.

Merit Council News

 August 20, 2024 

2024 Merit Council Awards

 June 22, 2023 

2023 Merit Council Awards

 June 24, 2022 

2022 Merit Council Awards