Grow a Local Council Grant Deadline

The purpose of this grant is to provide monies for councils that are struggling either financially, with less than 25 members, or who are having difficulty acquiring officers. Application must be made by September 1, 2023. Selected councils may receive up to $250 from the Iowa Reading Association. Councils may reapply each year. The number of grants awarded each year is based on the Iowa Reading Association’s line item budget. Because this is a grant, your council will not have to repay the Iowa Reading Association. The grant application form will be available at the June 19, 2023 Leadership Workshop. The application should be sent to the Executive Director, Nancy Wright.

(Iowa Reading Association Budget Line item #301.02)

No late applications will be accepted.

Send the application to:
Nancy Wright–Executive Director
55491 230th Street Glenwood, IA  51534


Sep 01 2023


All Day

More Info

Grant Application


Nancy Wright

Executive Director